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Nanyang Physics Summer School

Exploring physics at the forefront

June 5-7, 2023 | 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM | Nanyang Technological University
School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences | 21 Nanyang Link S(637371)


About the school

The Nanyang Physics Summer School is designed for JC students who are deeply interested in physics. The program will cover a range of topics and activities, including


  • quantum paradoxes and quantum technologies,

  • cosmology and relativity,

  • chaos theory, and more!


Be inspired as our engaging lecturers share about their journeys of discovery in theoretical and experimental physics.


Interact with the NTU physics faculty, and take a sneak peak at the research endeavours of our students.


Play in the labs and get some hands-on experience in operating cool devices.


Join a forum where we delve into questions on the future of physics and its role in human society.



Our Lecturers

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

[updated 25 May]


9-915                Breakfast

915-1015           Lecture 1: Chong Yidong

1025-1125         Lecture 2: Rainer Dumke

1130-1215          Forum with NTU students

1215-1315          Lunch

1315-1445        Hands-on physics

1445-1500       Tea break

1500-1630       Hands-on physics


9-915                Breakfast

915-1015           Lecture 3: Justin Song

1025-1125         Lecture 4: Bent Weber

1130-1215          poster session

1215-1315          Lunch

1315-1445        Hands-on physics

1545-1500       Tea break

1500-1630       Hands-on physics


9-915                  Breakfast

915-1015             Lecture 5: Leek Meng Lee

1025-1125           Lecture 6: David Wilkowski

1130-1230          Physics forum

1230-1345         Lunch

1345-1515          Hands-on physics

1515-1530          Tea break

1530-1600         Concluding remarks


Talk titles and abstracts [updated 28 May]

Prof. Chong Yidong

The Physics of Entropy, Memory, and Learning

Why do we remember the past, but not the future? Why does heat flow from hot things to cold things? What is the ultimate fate of all matter in the universe? How do AI systems draw sensible answers out of a vast sea of possibilities? All these questions can be addressed using statistical physics, a branch of physics dealing with models containing a huge number of degrees of freedom. Such models typically cannot be solved analytically, but they can be analysed statistically. Originally invented for thermodynamics (the physics of heat), the ideas and concepts of statistical physics have proven indispensable in many other settings, including the new science of machine learning.

Prof. Rainer Dumke

Quantum Hardware: A Journey into Superconducting Qubits and Quantum Computing

Quantum computing represents the frontier of information processing, promising unparalleled advancements in numerous fields. This talk will explore the heart of this revolution - quantum hardware, with a particular focus on superconducting qubits. These extraordinary components, manipulating quantum states for computational tasks, are among the most promising candidates for realizing quantum computing due to their scalability and manufacturing compatibility with classical integrated circuits. The presentation will illuminate the challenges faced in maintaining quantum coherence and significant obstacles on the path to creating practical quantum computers. This talk promises to be an enlightening journey for anyone interested in understanding the nuts and bolts of superconducting quantum computing.

Prof. Justin Song

"Quantum" Electronics

Electrons are particles but they are also waves. While this dual nature is integral to all physical reality, materials are often thought to behave "classically". In this talk, I will discuss and describe how electrons in materials in fact behave in a uniquely quantum fashion. This behavior can enable surprisingly useful properties central in many modern-day devices.

Prof. Bent Weber

From imaging matter at the scale of atoms to atomic-scale quantum devices by design

Atoms are the fundamental building blocks of matter and are inherently governed by the laws of quantum mechanics. In this lecture, we will explore what is entailed to image matter at the atomic-scale, and how matter can be manipulated – atom-by-atom – to create atomic-scale electronic devices that can exploit quantum mechanical principles for information processing. At the heart of our explorations lies the scanning tunnelling microscope (STM), which won their inventors the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986. We will learn how the basic working principle of the STM is based on quantum mechanical tunnelling of electrons, giving rise to the STM’s unrivalled spatial and energy resolution. Finally, we will explore examples of advanced applications of STM which allow for atomic-scale manipulation of matter and coherent control of individual atomic-scale quantum systems.

Dr. Leek Meng Lee

Workshop on Black Hole Physics

Einstein’s theory of General Relativity changes the perspective that gravity is not a force but it is merely free motion on curved spacetime. The derivation leading to Einstein's equation in General Relativity is abstract and difficult. A solution to Einstein’s equation represents the curved spacetime geometry dictated by the given matter distribution. Once a solution to Einstein’s equation is obtained, secondary school calculus can be used to analyse many of the consequences of that curved spacetime. In this workshop, we will analyse some spacetime geometries using secondary school calculus. In particular, we will analyse a black hole geometry and derive the properties of the black hole.

Prof. David Wilkowski

Ultracold Gases: How to Produce Them and For What?

It is nowadays possible to bring a gas of atoms to (or close to) the absolute zero temperature. At such extreme regime, the matter is mainly governed by the law of quantum mechanics leading to physical properties fundamentally different than matter at room temperature. We will explain the fundamental mechanisms of cooling, and what are the scientific motivations driving our research in this “ultracool” dimension, where the dreams of Einstein, Bohr or Feynman become reality.


Q: How should I register?

A: You can be nominated by your school through the respective science HoD and physics teachers of your school. Due to a limited capacity, be sure to register early! By 17 May, we will notify each school of the final acceptance list. We anticipate ~2 students from each school, but will consider opening up additional slots to accommodate extra participants when possible.


Q: How should I make payment?

A: We will prompt participants for collection of payment after the official registration date of 15 May, when the participation list from each respective school is finalized by the committee.



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